Tuesday, October 19, 2010


For about three months ago, our school was visited by three foreigners. They wanted to know our teaching and learning activity during the school day, especially English class. The lucky class was 6A.
The class was divided into three groups. They could ask many things to the foreigners and they also played a game. It was the great day they ever had.
We wish that we will have an English class that is attended by foreign guest. It will be great and the students will feel encouraged. Learning English becomes more interesting. There will be a student says "English is fun!!!"

Thursday, May 27, 2010


English Club is one of extracurricular program conducted in Kanisius Sengkan Elementary School. It aims to promote students' ability in learning English. This Blog is created in order to support students' interest in learning English especially writing. Every student has an opportunity to enlarge their knowledge of English language.